Supporting Members, Charities And A Better Community

We Care Programme Beneficiaries


We Care Programme Beneficiaries ~

Grants Available, Apply Now!

About the We Care Outreach Programme

The AffinityPlus Credit Union (AffinityPlus) is passionate about member-owned banking and committed to supporting our members as well as the communities in which we operate. 

The WE CARE programme is first and foremost a member support initiative that will provide financial support to local members in need.

It will also give support to worthy charitable and beneficial ventures which fall under one or more of the following pillars:

  • Youth

  • Sports, Culture, and Heritage

  • Environment

  • Community (within the environs of AffinityPlus branches) 

For more information, view the Charitable Donation Request Application Guidelines (COMING SOON), read the following sections or contact us.

Application Details

Member Support

If you are or know an AffinityPlus member or family who is struggling financially, apply for a WE CARE member grant to help ease your or their financial burden. Members are only eligible to apply for a We Care grant a maximum of two times in any given financial year and applications must be at least six months apart. All applications must be accompanied by supporting documents to verify the stated need. Please see below:

Qualification & Documentation Requirements:

  • Former/current salary must be no more than $2,500 per month OR

  • Maximum income of $1,000 per person in the household

  • Two forms of picture ID and a recent proof of address

  • Evidence of the bill/ invoice for payment or alternate supporting information to prove financial need

Local Charities

If your charitable project falls under one of the following areas, you can apply for a WE CARE Charitable Grant.

  • Youth

  • Sports, Culture and Heritage

  • Environment

  • Community

Charities and charitable ventures are only eligible to apply for a We Care grant a maximum of one time in any given financial year.

Application Requirements

Applications from charitable initiatives led by individuals or organizations will require the following supporting information:

  • Overall project goal

  • Program focus and population served/ to be served

  • Program/project description

  • Contact information

Application Forms

All requests for the WE CARE Programme grants must be made via the relevant WE CARE Application Form (Download below) and the required supporting documentation submitted with the application.

If a request meets specified guidelines and is in line with our strategic goals and objectives, it will be considered for funding. Incomplete applications that have the potential to be approved will be returned with details of the additional requirements and an invitation to re-apply. For more information, review the Charitable Donation Request Application Guidelines (COMING SOON)

How to Apply!

  • Complete and email the relevant application form and supporting details to or mail it to The Marketing Department, AffinityPlus Credit Union Ltd, Walcott Brooks Building, Fairchild Street, Bridgetown, or deliver the addressed package to any of our three convenient locations.

Requests Not Eligible For Funding

All donation or grant requests will be given serious consideration; however, every request cannot be fulfilled. Donation requests not eligible for funding include:

  • Organizations that are not a registered charity or recognized as community not-for-profit.

  • Organized field trips and requests by individuals raising money for overseas trips unless the benefit is to a team, school or the country (Barbados).  

  • Telephone applications.

  • Groups that represent a conflict of interest for the principles of the AffinityPlus Credit Union, or that promote specific programmes or issues where members of the Credit Union and clients of its subsidiaries may have significantly divergent views.

  • Individual pursuits or interests that are primarily for personal gain.

  • Family reunion funding.

  • Requests for funds to support business operational costs or debt servicing (operational costs refer to fixed costs, including but not limited to rent, wages, and utilities).

  • Individual competitions (including beauty pageants, fashion shows, scholar bowls, etc.)

  • Events to raise funds for scholarships.

  • Overseas-based organizations.

  • Organizations that discriminate based on race, color, sex, gender identity, and/or expression, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, age or disability.

  • Donations of promotional merchandise.

  • Fraternal Organizations and related events.

  • Marketing sponsorships, cause marketing or advertising projects.